Hickory Hammock Baptist Church
Using Your Spiritual Gifts in the Church
Spiritual Gift Survey
This survey will assist you in determining your spiritual gifts by your responses to specific statements. The survey will take between 10-20 minutes to complete and the results are returned to your personal computer immediately after pressing the SUBMIT button at the end of the survey.
For each of these statements choose the most appropriate answer as it applies to your assesment of yourself. When you have completed the inventory click "Submit" to proceed to the interpretation sheet. (NOTE: it would be even more accurate of an inventory if you have someone who knows you well - also fill out the survey about you.)
Note: The input from this form will create a custom page that appears on your browser ONLY. The information is not stored or evaluated by any person other than you. No personal identification is requested by this form. This form is safe for all to use and its only purpose is for YOUR edification.